It's amazing how things took a turn of events in just 12 months' time. Last year around this time, I was battling with the apprehension of another emergency C-section delivery. Luckily, God was on my side and I managed to fulfil my dream of a
natural delivery. Well, after that, I had my confinement in Jia Yi Confinement Centre, and I truly enjoyed every moment of it. Actually, I was there too during my first confinement. I went back because I was very satisfied with the service there.
Most of my friends dreaded confinement, because of the rules, the
pantang larang, the food, and you name it. However, I was able to follow all these and yet felt so free and happy - as if I had all the time to myself and I could do anything I like. Well, I actually feasted like a queen (we got to eat chicken chop, bak chang, papaya soup, etc - didn't sound like being confined at all, because all those were home-cooked and free from all those things that we're not supposed to eat), slept like a baby (ya, very true because when my baby woke up for milk at night, I requested them to carry her to me at least for the first week until I was sure that she didn't have nipple confusion. Which meant that I only got to sleep again when she's full and contented). Ah, but in the afternoon I got to continue with my sleep again, if I didn't schedule for any
urut sessions. My 30 days were full and compact - pumping and breastfeeding took most of my time (I felt like a cow, really), playing with my baby, eating, sleeping, having
urut sessions, making some hospital trips in between, especially when my baby's having jaundice during the 1st week, entertaining visitors, chatting with the other mothers, a little of blogging when my eyes were not so tired, catching up with the drama series (which I didn't get to do in normal times), and we even added the 6th meal on our own - supper! Well, everything required careful planning at times, because we needed to make sure that we only breastfed our babies at least 3 hours after an alcohol drink, or an
urut session for the results to take effect. But I enjoyed every moment of it. I think that I learnt a lot from the other mothers while I was there, just like how I've learnt and made friends with the mothers during my pumping sessions at work.
I used to hang out with the downstairs mommies a lot. We normally had our 5+1 meals together, and our conversations often extended beyond that. My roomate and I often chatted until past our bed time and we broke all rules that state confinement mommies need to sleep all the time. Looking back, how I missed all those time. Unlike my first confinement where I had all the privacy I needed because I got a room all to myself, this time I had a company where I learnt to lend my ear and vent my feelings. It was a great exchange, really.
And now, after 1 year, we're back again, at the same place with the same babies. Except that not all can make it to this gathering. Actually, this was the 3rd gathering. I couldn't make it to the first two. The confinement center's caretaker, who's also the sister of the owner was very nice to prepare steamboat for us there. The first gathering was also held at the confinement center so that they (the nursery) could help take care of our babies while we chatted and ate. It was a potluck gathering then. Wasn't that very nice of her? So much convenience, I would say.
This time, most of them could walk already. And going to have their 1st birthday soon. What a milestone, and what a great feeling knowing that our babies would be toddlers soon. I was the only one still fully breastfeeding mine, much to their awe. In fact, I've been their reference and motivation last time. Some nearly wanted to stop, but I managed to talk them into continuing, at least for the whole confinement month. I shared with them on tips to have more milk and thrive to see how well they responded to it. And the results were amazing too. They were estatic when they saw how their supplies had increased.
Well, those were the good old days. Now, our lives move into a different phase - raising kids. And more hair-raising activities to come, I would say!