Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What I wish for Christmas...

Every year we had a Christmas gift exchange among our colleagues. This year was the 3rd year that we started practising that.

The first year, each of us draw lots and see whose name we got. We had to buy a gift for that person, and secretly placed it under the christmas tree without revealing who we were.

The 2nd year, we changed from drawing names to drawing numbers. We bought a present for the number that we got, labeled our gift with that number and secretly placed the gift under the christmas tree. Then, on the gift exchange day, we'd draw another number to see which gift we’d get.

This year, we did it differently. We’re supposed to write down what we wanted as a Christmas gift on a piece of paper, and put it back into the ballot box. Then, after everyone had returned his/her wish list, there’s a lucky draw session where each person would pick up a wish list and see what they were supposed to buy. And the rules were we’re supposed to buy something as close as possible to the wish list (minimum RM20, the sky's the limit). For example, if A wanted a girlfriend, we could buy a pair of cinema tickets, and include a telephone number of one of our still available female friends. If B wanted sweet memory, we could buy a Hacks and a 128MB DIMM RAM. If C wanted a gold bar, we could buy chocolate gold bars. Interesting right?

So off we went to buy the gift, wrapped it up, and secretly placed it under the Christmas tree when no was looking. Here's our Christmas tree just before the gift exchange time....Taaa....da!

Presents waiting to be opened

Hmm.... I saw a lot of interesting wish're just a few of them, from downright straightforward ones up to those that required some creativity and imagination from the buyer.

This one must be from a lady

We had a few wish list on electronic gadgets, such as pendrive, thumbdrive, wireless mouse, car FM modulator, etc...

A Doraemon fans

Ah, at least Santa knew what to look for - so precise

This one gave Santa a harder time...

Ooh... and this one wants a Santa Claus!

Now, now, I would like to know that too!

Hey, do you really think Santa can grant this wish? Work from home once per week!

Haha, A Happy Meal for "Make Me Happy for Whole Day"?

Wow... a Horse!

A holiday trip to Bangkok!

Ok, so that's what we saw from the outside, are you interested to know what's inside them? I wouldn't share all of them  here, but just pick a few for a good laugh...

This person's request was very simple - either a Jusco/Sunshine shopping voucher, or something pretty/nice to carry her shopping stuffs. (I guess the pretty/nice word implied that she's a girl, right?) But guess what she got?

A sunflower stalk and a KFC voucher (symbolised sunshine voucher), and a baby stroller for her to carry something pretty inside :) Haha, the buyer's making things complicated, huh?

And this guy said he could do with a girlfriend, or something to use or play in his car. We got the most laugh from here...

Lots of girls' pictures for him to choose, and he still got a solar toy girlfriend for his car (top right of the picture)! The person who bought this actually sewed the word girlfriend for the solar toy's dress. Creative ya? And lotsa hard work too!

Ok, so what other gifts you're interested to know what's inside? I would share a few here, including some which I didn't post any pictures above.

1. The Secret to Half Day Job at Full Day Pay - The 4D book for all forms (Toto, 4D, Magnum) and also a book on how to enjoy your work and your life

2. Work from home once a week - a pillow! So, instead of giving something to be able to work from home, the buyer thought that making the office like home would be quite similar. Brilliant, don't you think so?

3. Magnet (not in the pics above) - A perfume for lady with the word - to attract or be attracted. And you know what? The person who wish for this is a guy (oO)

4. Perfume - A generic perfume (can be for a girl or a guy), and also a car perfume

5. A holiday trip to Bangkok - A book entitled Bangkok Tattoo by John Burdett.

6. Horse - A teddy horse with a Ferrari logo

7. Make me happy for whole day - Happy Meal vouchers and coupons for breakfast, lunch and dinner

8. Super Mario solar toy - a solar toy with Super Mario pasted to its face.

9. Starbuck Penang City Mug - The buyer actually bought a blank mug and pasted the design on it! Take a look at the picture below, it looks so real! But that's just a joke, the person who wished for this did get the actual mug :)

Don't you think it's fun? Oh yes, we have lots of fun and we're sure looking forward to next year's Christmas Exchange Gift. Till then, Merry Christmas everyone! And oh yes, wishing you all a wonderful 2010 ahead! A new hope, a new beginning, I'm sure it has lots of great starts for everyone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Gift in Disguise?

How it was discovered
Last month, we had a parent-teacher evaluation with our daughter’s principal regarding her performance and progress in school. She brought up something that disturbed her, and asked us to go seek medical advice.

A new Discovery
Well, according to her, SY had a tendency to mirror spell, and it’s not just a single alphabet. She could spell the whole word exactly like how we see it in the mirror, with the sequence from right to left too. Furthermore, it happened 80% of the time. However, whenever they corrected her, she would remember and try to do it correctly. The principal was worried that our child had dyslexia, and advised us to bring her to see the doctor.

The Symptoms
Well, we’re a bit shocked to hear this of course, though not too worried. We have noticed that she tends to confuse b with d, and at times she did mirror write ‘s’, ‘z’ or even ‘2’. But we’ve never seen her mirror write for the whole word. Also, when I was doing some revision with her on her spelling tests, I have never seen her write in mirror image. Hubby and I searched the web for info on dyslexia, and we found that she had some of the symptoms mentioned (like cannot tell the time, confuse with what day it is, mirror spelling, sometimes tend to put on shoes on the wrong feet, read "was" for "saw", "no" for "on", tends to trip or bump into things and falling over, etc). However, it’s still too early to tell since the earliest age to professionally diagnose dyslexia would be 5 and a half year old. Also, I have checked with a few friends and even her former principal, and they told me that it's common for a child to have confussion with these letters at such young age.

If you’re interested to know some of the symptoms, here are some of them:

Pre-School Non-language indicators
- May have walked early but did not crawl - was a 'bottom shuffler' or 'tummy wriggler'.
- Persistent difficulties in getting dressed efficiently and putting shoes on the correct feet.
- Enjoys being read to but shows no interest in letters or words.
- Is often accused of not listening or paying attention.
- Excessive tripping, bumping into things and falling over.
- Difficulty with catching, kicking or throwing a ball; with hopping and/or skipping.
- Difficulty with clapping a simple rhythm.

Other quite comprehensive websites:

On the other hand, we also found some contradictions. One source mentioned that a dyslexic child will have an unusual pencil grip, but the principal told us SY has excellent pencil grip and is considered one the few kids in her class who could hold the pencil the correct way without being needed to be reminded constantly to correct her grip. Also, she's able to read books, while a dyslexic child will have difficulty reading.

In the meantime, we also noticed that her speech articulation was not very clear. Could it be related? Or could it be something to do with her hearing that caused all these? Sometimes I wondered if she had any hearing problem...

We have a Genius? Well, in the midst of all these, hubby still able to look on the bright side and send me this info:

Why is dyslexia a gift?
Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers. They are intuitive and highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning. Because they think in pictures, it is sometimes hard for them to understand letters, numbers, symbols, and written words.
They can learn to read, write and study efficiently when they use methods geared to their unique learning style.

Individuals with Dyslexia More Likely to be Millionaires

- A study by the Tulip Financial Group found that self-made millionaires are more likely to be dyslexic. A significant majority of the 5,000 self-made millionaires in the UK reportedly struggled in school. The results come from a study commissioned by the British Broadcasting Company 2 (BBC2). In an attempt to learn more about the minds of millionaires, a team of psychologists and business experts, spent a day testing a group of entrepreneurial millionaires. They were put through a series of tests. 40% of the 300 millionaires who participated in the more comprehensive study had been diagnosed with dyslexia.

Here is a list of some of the people who seemed to have been dyslexic:

Leonardo DaVinci who had reversals in his manuscripts.

W. Woolworth "who did not have sense".

George Patton who had spelling, writing, reading prblems.

Auguste Rodin who had math, spelling, and language problems.

Winston Churchill.

Harvey Cushing, a brain surgeon, who had spelling, and other language problems

Albert Einstein was not accepted at college, because he failed his EFL entrance exam.

And the list continues….

Hubby was so excited when he discovered even William Hewlett (founder of Hewlett Packard Company) was also dyslexic!

The Truth is out there
Ok, back to reality. I called our paed and asked for advice, but he recommended me to bring SY see a child psychologist. However the child psychologist was on maternity leave and would only be back next year. According to our paed, he had seen some who cannot read, write or even write in mirror. But he’s not sure if spelling in mirror is considered dyslexic or not. So he advised us to see the child psychologist when she’s back next year.

Well, since hubby’s not too worried about this, we let it be and didn’t seek other doctors’ advice from other hospitals. Until a few weeks later, her principal called to check. I was a bit ashamed because it seemed she’s more worried than us. In the end, we got another recommendation from another paed to see a Consultant Psychiatrist. I will update our meeting with her in another post later. Stay tuned…

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A little Act of Sharing

I've not been very disciplined lately. I lost the mojo for blogging. Things that I would have loved to tell the whole world last time, I find myself too lazy even to write them here. The most, I would just update my friends during pumping time.

Well, time passed, and I got a little sms from a dear old friend 2 weeks ago which jolted me back to reality. She told me she've had a tense day that day, but after reading my blog about the 2 little girls, her mood was lifted again. And she actually thanked me for the sharing! Phew, those short messages really made my day too. I've had a tiring and uneventful day that day too, and it's good to get such really sweet note, from someone far away and you've hardly met for the past 7 or 8 years. Thanks! I was really touched, and the message gave me a new motivation to blog again.

You see, I've been contemplating to stop blogging for good, and just write to my girls personally if there's anything important that I wanted them to know. No need to tell the whole world, right? Wrong. After I got that message, I realized that it's about sharing that we made each other's day. So, yes, I'll continue again.

How nice if everyone keep sending such sweet meaningful messages to people around them, wouldn't this be a nicer place to live? Leaving comments is another example of such graceful act. And with Christmas season just around the corner, many preached about sharing and giving. Just last Sunday, our priest shared some slides with us. Every year, the Americans spent ~450 billion dollar on Christmas gifts. What if we stopped buying Christmas gifts this year, and channeled that money into something better like helping the poor, or other fund-raising events instead? That would have saved a lot of money for a much better cause. Because the gifts that we bought for others, would somehow make the other party to oblige by giving us something back, and that would have been like a gift exchange. And, most of the time, we're not really buying something that the person really needs, it's more of a want and sometimes it's not what they wanted at all but we thought would be good for them. Get the point? So instead of wasting that money, might as well spend it on something more meaningful - for those who really need it.

Hmmm... having said that, does that mean I won't be getting any Christmas present this year? But I've promised my little girl that Santa's going to give her something if she continue to behave...

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Half-Vegetarian Experience

Yay, it’s the last day of the Nine-Emperor God Festival today or also known as 九王爷 (Jiu Huang Ye). Why am I so happy? Because I no longer need to be on a vegetarian diet anymore. You see, hubby was on a 3-day strict vegetarian diet, and I joined him for lunch and dinner. Yes, only lunch and dinner and I’m already complaining ;P

I don’t know why, I’ve joined him for the last few years, but somehow this year, my hunger pangs were somehow more profound. Could it be because I’m still breastfeeding? But last year I was too. I didn’t recall feeling so hungry then. This time, it was so bad, that even after I finished my meal, I didn’t feel full at all! I even had gastric pain, sigh. Another immediate side effect that I experienced was low breastmilk supply. Funny, I have a vegetarian friend who's still breastfeeding - I wonder how she managed? in the end, I cheated – I took some non-vegetarian food as snack (LOL!). Well, not really the meaty stuffs, just the dairy products only. They are so strict that not even diary products are allowed – even the utensils used for eating shouldn’t have been touched with meat/diary products before.

Just yesterday morning, I was buying breakfast for hubby and myself. I went to tapau something from the Jiu Huang Ye stalls for him, and then I gleefully went to the stall besides that to buy some other non-vegetarian food for myself. The lady seller told me that she also sold vegetarian nasi lemak. I hastily told her that I didn’t want vegetarian nasi lemak, but the normal ones! She smiled at me understandingly, and pointed to a variety of nasi lemak with ikan bilis & egg, with fish or with prawns. I chose the one with ikan bilis and egg, and my, how satisfied I was with my breakfast that day, before having to go for another round of vegetarian lunch later.

Well, last night however, hubby bought a variety of vegetarian goodies for dinner. We had vegetarian curry me, with thong sui. He also bought some vegetarian delicacies, gong tang. And surprisingly, I was full immediately, and there was still a pack of vegetarian rice waiting for me – I guess my stomach had adapted to the new lifestyle afterall. In the end, we only ate that rice for supper.

No doubt, being a vegan is very healthy. And good for the soul too. But then again, I still think that what comes out of the mouth matters more than what goes into it. Which is a very good excuse for me, whenever I failed to fast or abstain during the Lentern season.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have You Ever Unconsciously Love One Child Over The Other?

While we’re busy pumping one day, one mother put this question to us. A few mothers answered right away without a second thought, “Never! I love both my children equally well.” While some said that they seemed to love the younger one more, their husbands would tend to love the elder one more because they took care of the elder one more when the younger one came along.

As for me, after I presented my case to them, which only consisted of two or three of the below scenarios, where sometimes it would seem that I showed more affection to the younger one, while at different times, I tend to give impressions that I doted on the elder one more, they pointed out that I might have unconsciously love the younger one more, even though in my conscious mind, I tried to be fair to both. That got me thinking a lot after I went back. I even put that question to hubby (whom I observed doted on the little one more), but he told me that he loved both equally well. Then, after thinking awhile, he said, “Well, maybe I gave more material love to the elder one, I bought a lot of toys for her, but I didn’t spend time to play with her, I bought a lot of books for her, but I didn’t spend enough time reading them with her. As for the younger one, I didn’t buy that many things for her, because she had got those from her Jie Jie’s hand-me-downs”.

When I was preggy with my 2nd child, SJ, I had always wondered if I could love the 2nd one as much as I’ve loved the 1st one. That time, SY (my 1st child) means the world to me. She’s like a perfect child for both hubby and me. I didn’t know anything could be more perfect than her, because we gave her our very best. Maybe she’s our first born, as we’ve started giving her the best even before she’s born. Hubby would talk to her nearly every day, and I would let her listen to music as early as when the book said she can hear. I followed all the pantang-larang strictly even though I didn’t believe it. Where as during SJ’s time, we didn’t do as much, because SY, being an active toddler then, had occupied too much of our time, and we didn’t have anymore energy left to do all that for SJ. Maybe that’s why, I didn’t know how I could love SJ as much as SY then, and I was really worried.

However, after I’ve delivered, it seemed that everything just came about naturally. SJ happened to be much more ‘kuai’ and easier to take care than her Jie Jie, so everyone in the family doted on her right away. And after SJ’s born, Amah naturally became SY’s primary care-taker, while I was in-charge of SJ fully. That, somehow implant in me that if I didn’t take good care of SJ, nobody would. Where as, SY would be in good hands under my MIL's care. So I didn’t need to worry too much about her. Also, most of the time, SY would follow Amah back to her house, so that means, hubby and I would need to be more independent in taking care of SJ. That gave us both ample opportunities to learn from scratch how to handle a newborn, because before that we relied too much on MIL. Sometimes, I couldn’t recall things about SY because that was already taken care by MIL. With SJ, it’s different, I need to be in-charge of every single details. Also, since hubby needed to back me up often and relieve me because there’s no one else, he was also more involved when it came to taking care of SJ. During SY’s time, he didn’t need to handle a lot of things, because there were enough people (women) fighting to take care of SY then (LOL!)

So, the first scenario explains why Hubby and I were more inclined towards SJ”s well-being, and that didn’t mean we’re not loving SY as much.

A 2nd scenario – When I was back in Ipoh with my family members, both girls wanted me to carry them at the same time. And most of the time, I would carry SY while leaving SJ crying under hubby’s care. After observing this several times, my Mom confronted me, saying that I seemed to love SY more. I explained to her why I did that. It’s because hubby, like everyone else would seem to think that SY”s big enough, and didn’t need to be carried. Also, as she’s rather a difficult child to handle then, he often lost patience with her. So since I was the only one who could handle her (and I was sure hubby would willingly carry SJ), so I normally would choose to carry SY then. That’s my reasoning, even though my action seemed to show that I might prefer one child over another. In actual fact, I wanted both child to be attended to (and I knew SJ would be in good hands under hubby’s care).

The 3rd scenario – When both the girls were playing on their own and fighting over something, I tend to side with the small one, because I felt that the elder one should give way to her sister. My reasoning, the elder one should understand things by now, while the small one’s still too young to understand. Also, my first natural instinct was to protect the small one from being harmed by her Jie Jie (even though now, the small one would be the bully – she hit, bite and pull her sister’s hair!)

The 4th scenario – When we went out shopping, we tend to buy more things for SY. Most of the time, it’s because SJ could still use SY’s stuffs, while there’re more things related to SY that we would like to get. For instance, SY’s starting school, so most of the things that we got for SY, SJ didn’t need it yet. Although once during CNY last year, MIL and hubby wanted to get SY a new pajama while they felt that SJ didn’t need one since she’s too small (the kids grow so fast that it’s a waste) and also she could still use her Jie Jie’s. As I was also the 2nd child, I disagreed with them because I remembered last time I didn’t like wearing too many hand-me-downs all the time. So I got SJ quite a lot of clothings too, which became a waste now because she really did grow up very fast!

The 5th scenario – Most of the times, I would let SY played on her own while I attended to SJ. That time, we felt that SJ needed a lot of attention in case she fell down or pick up stuffs to eat. But to others, or even SY, they might think that we didn’t love her as much as SJ because we didn’t play with her as much. Most of the toys I got her, I would either ask hubby or MIL to play with her first, or let her experiment on her own. Sometimes, by the time I had time to play with her, it’s already not functioning ;P

The 6th scenario – When it comes to reading or things that need a lot of focus, I would ask hubby to attend to the small one, while I read to SY. That’s because SJ couldn’t sit still with books and she wouldn’t allow me to read too. She had torn away SY’s 3-D butterfly book and I needed to fix it up again. That’s why she had to be taken away in order for me to actually start reading with SY. Maybe you would wonder why this time I didn’t ask hubby to read to SY while I took care of SJ. Well, that’s because I felt that I had more patience than hubby when it came to reading, while hubby’s better with toys. See, everything had a reason :)

The 7th scenario – When it comes to feeding, it’s easier to feed SJ. She could finish everything in a short time compared to SY where we need a lot of patience and have to keep chasing her. Also, since I supplied SJ’s raw ingredients to the babysitter, I could make sure that she eats nutritious stuffs. Where as for SY who had both lunch and dinner in school, also she spent quite a lot of her weekends at Amah’s house, I didn’t know what she ate most of the time. So whenever there’s an opportunity I would scoop more of the fish or anything that I felt she’s lacking for her compared to for SJ. Also, since she’s rather a picky eater nowadays, so whenever she showed any interest on the food that I prepared, I would give her more (and tax SJ’s share in this case) even though both girls would fight for it. Now, would you call me bias?

The 8th scenario – Last time I used to travel a lot during SY’s time. I could go travelling without her (guilty, but still I went), leaving her in the care of MIL. For SJ this time, if Hubby even mentioned any plans of travelling without SJ, I would be the 1st one to back away – because I don’t have the heart to leave her with MIL or the babysitter. Why? Because I knew she couldn’t cope without me, since she’d been spending all nights with me (except for a couple of days when she’s 3 months plus – I left her with hubby and MIL when I went for my sister’s convocation). During SY’s time, she’d been sleeping with me and MIL on alternate nights since MIL didn’t want her to disturb hubby at night. So, the reason I could leave SY behind last time was because I knew she could still sleep even though I was not around.

The 9th scenario – Now, most of the time when we took out the camera, we would want to take photos of SJ. And SY would surely asked to snap her photos instead, or blocking us from taking her Mei Mei’s photos. Maybe our reactions made her think that we didn’t love her. On the other hand, we felt that we’ve not been taking that much pictures of SJ compared to SY’s time, and we really wanted to catch up with it, especially when she’s doing some new stunts.

The 10th scenario – SY being the first grandchild, MIL had a lot of say on how she should be taken care of. For instance, I didn’t get to give her organic food, because according to MIL, if a child was given organic food all the time, her body wouldn’t have the resistance to fight the chemicals when she consumed processed food later. Where as during SJ’s time, MIL didn’t seem to care so much. So I had the chance to do a lot of things which I didn’t get to during SY’s time. So, if you’re comparing what SJ got and what SY got during the same time of their growing years, it might give you the impression that SJ got more than her Jie Jie!

Well, after analyzing all the scenarios above, I would say that I do love them both equally well, even though my actions didn’t really show it. Everything has its own reasoning behind, and they all stem from having our child’s best interest at heart. Don’t you agree so?

No, I’m not trying to justify myself, because, I really think that after becoming a mother of 2, I could now understand how great a mother’s love is – a mother with 5 children could love them all equally well ,as a mother with 2 children. SY always asked me, “Do you love me, Mommy?” or “How about me?” everytime she heard me telling SJ that I loved her (I have the habit of telling them now and then that I love them without any apparent reason). And I told her, “Yes, dear. See the water at the ocean – after we take out many, many, many buckets of water from there, there’re still so much water left still. That’s like a mother’s love, we kept on giving, but it’ll never be drained.” Maybe, she didn’t understand that then, but hopefully when she’s bigger and read this later, she would. A mother’s love is not something like a cake – you either divide it equally or someone would get a bigger portion. Instead, it’s really infinity, the more you give, the more you have. And now, I think I could understand better my mom's actions too last time.

So, what’s your take in this? I’d love to hear about your experience and your analysis.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Make Yoghurt Without A Yoghurt Maker

I must thank Pei Sze for this tips because I've been contemplating whether to get a yoghurt maker which would have cost me approximately RM80. I feel that this is really neat because I didn't even need a thermometer and it's so easy to make, so I wanted to share this here.

1. Dutch Lady Fresh Milk (any fresh milk will do)
2. Plain yoghurt from the supermarket as the starter


1. I used the jam container (preferrably glass) to estimate how much milk is needed.

2. Pour the required amount of milk into a saucepan and heat it up for it to ferment. I waited until I saw bubbles, then I stir it and leave it to cool down until it's just warm (estimated to be as warm as when we warm up our EBM). If you want to expediate the cooling process, you could also pour the milk into the jam container and immerse the bottle in a bowl of cold water (the reverse way of warming up the EBM).

3. When the milk is warm enough (not too hot and not too cold), transfer it into the jam container (if you haven't done this in step 2 above), and add ~2 tbs of the plain yoghurt as the starter into the milk (the amount of yoghurt to add depends on the size of your container). Seal the container with the lid.

4. Place the jam container into a thermos-like container (Pei Sze uses cooler box filled with warm water, while I use my thermal cooker filled with warm water) for ~6hours. Don't shake or disturb it during the 6 hours' period because it could disturb the incubation process.

The container must be able to maintain the temperature at ~37 degree Celcius or our body temperature for at least 6 hours.

I think the information below would be useful before you start making your own homemade yoghurt:

General idea on how yoghurt is made:

Technically, yoghurt can be made from any sort of milk – cow, goat or ewe – but it must be fermented before it can be called yoghurt.

A small starter culture of the bacteria is added to fresh, warmed skimmed or whole milk and then the mixture needs to be kept at about 37 degrees Celsius for about 12 hours.

The bacteria multiply in the warm conditions, feeding on the sugars in the milk. They ferment lactose, the disaccharide sugar in milk, producing lactic acid. This causes the milk to curdle, forming curds and whey. The curds are the yoghurt and the whey is the watery fluid that is poured off, leaving a rich, creamy thick yoghurt.

Great tips that I find helpful:
1. If after 6 hours, you find that the yoghurt still hasn't really formed yet (still in liquid form), you can actually wait longer (leave it overnight or another 6 hours). Maybe the 'live' culture needs more time to grow.

2. Also, if you want to add fruit flavours to it, especially from fresh fruits, you need to add this after the yoghurt has incubated. That's because the acid content of some fruits can curdle the milk-yoghurt mixture and prevent proper fermentation.

I find this process rather easy even for busy moms, and I've been blending them with fresh mango and even dragon fruits for my kids. They loved it! If you want it instant, that is without the fuss of blending the fruits, Pei Sze shared that it could be eaten straight with any jam directly! I was rather surprised, but when I tried this with the blueberry jam, it tasted really great! Even SY loves it!

Here's the finished product from my 2nd attempt - my pictures are rather blurry because I took them with my PDA phone (my first attempt was not succesful because I added the yoghurt culture when the milk was still rather hot).

My finished product with my thermal cooker

Yes, indeed yoghurt has many health benefits, among some which include improved immune system and also suitable for those who has lactose intolerance. So, besides being cheaper than buying them directly off the shelf, this easy home-made yoghurt also has less sugar content and no preservatives - most suitable for kids!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Cake Story

During the long Merdeka weekend, I made this...

It was my 2nd attempt at cheese cake, and since hubby's birthday was around the corner, I decided to try my luck. My, it was not easy. I sent SY to Amah's place, and got SJ to sleep rather early that day - at ~8.30pm! I thought I could finished baking the cake before midnight - it's only a Saturday, the first day of the weekend.

Well, I had only finished preparing the biscuit base when SJ woke up. So I stopped and soothed her, breastfed her till she fell asleep. Once she drifted back into dreamland, I continued on with my cake, only to be stopped again about 1 hour later. This time, when I tried to unlatch her after I found her drifted back to sleep, she wouldn't want to let go, as if using me as her pacifier! But as I tried to wriggle myself free, she would bite me, so I decided to let her suckle longer. In no time, I drifted into dreamland myself!

When I woke up at 1.30am, I went on to continue with my work. Luckily this time I managed to finish up and just in time to put the cake into the oven (around 3am) before she woke up again. By the time the cake had finished baking (in water bath), it was already 4am in the morning. I thought I wanted to prepare the ingredients for decoration while waiting for the cake to cool down, but halfway thru, SJ woke up again (it was 4.30am). In the end, I just put everything into the fridge and went to sleep.

The next day, I was hoping to assemble the cake and decorate it, but I just couldn't free myself from SJ. She was too clingy, even when she's sleeping. And since I was too tired from the night before, I ended up napping with her in the afternoon. When I woke up to start the decoration, she woke up too. So, I could hardly complete the whole thing at one time, but had to break them into several short sessions.

This was how it looked like halfway. Why I said halfway? Because there's only 1 bear at the right side :)

And here's the final one - with 2 bears finally :)

Since I was not confident that the cake would turn out nicely, I had a backup plan. Didn't want to spoil hubby's birthday with my not-so-perfect creation. Ta-da!

I ordered the mille crepe in advance, which was delivered right at our door step on the actual day itself! I came across this when my colleagues ordered this for me on my birthday and it was really nice! Very special too, I even joked that it had the same number of layers as my age :)

I had tried Swiss Chocolate Velvet and Coffee Bliss, so I was itching to try the Matcha Latte flavour, but since the man told me that many still prefer Swiss Chocolate Velvet (which was also what I had for my birthday), I decided to stick to the same flavour too. And it was great! Very special indeed. See the hand layered crepes!

Well, so we ended up having so many cakes to eat for that whole week. And surprisingly, hubby prefered my peach marcapone cheese cake as I noticed that he would choose that between these two when he's hungry and was looking for something to eat. At least my sleepless night and effort didn't go to waste :) And much to my consolation, even MIL who didn't really like cheese cake told me that it tasted very nice! Nothing beats the feeling of triumph at my 2nd attempt, although the deco was miserable :P Haha, and hubby also said that this was much better than my first attempt on Father's Day. Looking back, I think the deco really sucks last time, wonder how I had the guts to post it up! But then again, it was for my own records, and I silently congratulate myself for this small little improvement...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Witch of Portobello

How do we find the courage to always be true to ourselves – even if we are unsure of who we are?

These are the words that caught my attention when I visited a book fair 2 years ago. As a woman, wife and mother who’s trying to grapple with my own identity and what I wanted from life, I was naturally intrigue as to what this book had to offer. Since the book was on sale, and I was quite impressed with another book by the same author, Like the Flowing River which was a gift from a colleague, I went on to make this purchase. However, after I bought it, I just put it aside and never had the chance to touch it until recently, when I ran out of books to read.

I felt connected immediately when I read about how Athena, who always felt restless despite her having a contented life. Like her, when I was not doing anything, my mind would start wandering – worrying about little things, or thinking about future things. When I was small, I even made up stories in my mind of how I wanted my future to be. I didn’t know why I did that, and I had no way of stopping my thoughts from flowing. In other words, my mind was always on the go. I couldn't really relax or not think about anything at all. Hence, I was deeply touched when I read of how she went in search of something to fill up the blank spaces in her life, only to discover that the silences between the notes were what make the music more powerful, and the pause between the letters that’s what made the calligraphy more beautiful. When she learnt to embrace the silence, the spaces, she experienced a different aura. This, I have not learnt how to master yet :)

The whole story was told in a very unique way, with a twist at the end. Coehlo unfold the tale from a few narrators, allowing us to interpret the story by piecing up all the details gathered by different people and forming our own impression of the main character, rather than being clouded by one narrator's perspective. Some of the conversations discussed made me reflect about many things in my life. I really salute the author, Paulo Coelho, for his ability to present the story in such a way that touched about the actual reality in life. However, I do agree that some of the things being discussed were rather abstract, giving us a very new-agey kind of feeling. Maybe that’s why some said this is a story of a woman of the “twenty-second century living in the twenty-first”.

At some point, I felt that things were just too simple in the story. When Athena’s marriage didn’t quite work out, it’s so easy to just divorce, even though she’s a Catholic. Catholics forbid divorce, "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one.
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Mark 10:6-9

After her divorce, she was shunned by her church because she was not allowed to receive the Holy Communion. Having no other means to fulfil her spiritual needs, she went on to learn trance dancing, and from there moved on to calligraphy, etc. All this while, her son was tagging along with her. I was marveling at such possibility, because having children myself, I could not fathom how her child could be so obliging. And that led me to wonder if Paulo Coelho had any children of his own. I searched his biography but couldn’t find any mention of the word children. Only his wife was mentioned. Aha, maybe that’s why? Hmmm…

Anyway, I enjoyed the whole story very much as I read how Athena, or also known as the witch followed a winding path to enlightenment in the form of a female deity. She went on to find a job after her divorce and then influenced the people around her as she was searching for the 'light'. She managed to inspire her colleagues to perform above expectation, and the results attracted the upper management. That's the start of her carreer path, and she was capable of earning enough salary to support both herself and her son for 3 years without working. However, despite all that, she's still not contented with life, and that led her to continue searching for the long yearned-for satisfaction.

In her struggle to transcend society's expectations of her, this book reminded me of the power everyone had but refused to invoke in order to find their own spirituality. She even went to find her birth mother (she's an adopted child) because she thought she wouldn't have peace unless she was reunited with her origin. Despite that, she still couldn't satisfy her restless state. Finally, she took a student, following the advice from her spiritual teacher, and from there, she also learnt things from her student's perspective. Yes, even though both she and her student disliked each other.

"How can you teach me if you don't like me?" Her student asked.

In the reality of life, no man is an island. No matter how we dislike the other person, we couldn't live alone. Athena showed that it's still possible to impart her knowledge to someone she disliked, and the experience had enrich her tremendously.

How was the ending like? Read for yourself! A great aplause should be given to the author, for the way it was ended. The story started with the witch being brutally murdered in the first place, but the ending was not that gloomy. Even though I was hoping for a better ending, I could not agree more that this was the best way to end the tale of the Witch of Portobello. Yes, a happy surprise, so that’s why the twist at the end. Now, if you're wondering if I find that a worthwhile reading, what would you conclude if I tell you that right after I completed this book, I went on to purchase another one of Coelho's masterpiece, “The Alchemist”?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Child's Prayer

One night, my little girl asked me to say a prayer with her. This time, however, she said everything on her own. I listened and was amazed at what was going on in her mind. Here are some of the things that touched my heart most (of course I've changed some of the wordings here to make it more understandable).

"Jesus, please don't let Amah become old. Let her be a young lady again. Don't let her be sick sick. "
--> Some time back, when she requested to go back and stay with Amah, Amah told her, "Amah is old already, Amah can't be taking care of you forever."

"Also, please don't let her walk like an old lady, but like a young person again. Do not let her leg pain pain."
--> Sometimes when she's naughty, she likes to imitate her Grandma walking and make fun of that. Ended up being scolded by Grandma :)

"Jesus, please let Mommy and Daddy can continue to work so that they will have enough money to bring Juin Juin and me to play Kok Kok Beh. Please let me go to Full Day and Juin Juin to Aunty's house."
--> Just right after we switched her to full day upon her request (and also due to some other reasons), she wanted to switch back to half day. She's so unhappy that she kept telling us and her teachers that she wanted to go back to half day right away. I nearly accomodated her, but thank God after the 3rd day, she'd learnt to accept it. I could see it in her prayers when she actually mentioned it - she knew that she had to go to full day so that Mommy and Daddy could continue to work. Before that, she even requested me not to work but to take care of her instead. And I nearly resigned too!

If only, things will really go the way how a child see it.... How nice if life is so simple.

Friday, August 14, 2009

If You Thrive On Being A Multitasker, Read On…

Do you do multiple things at a time? Such as launching several browsers with different addresses while waiting for one to load up, or cooking a few things at a time since your gas stove comes with 3 or 4 burners anyway? Or calling up someone on the cell phone while driving, especially when the traffic’s really slow? Hmm… what else? Reading while pumping? Having dinner over a television program? Snacking while reading? Or clearing your emails while waiting for your simulation to complete? The list can continue on and on.

Well, if you did any of the above, and felt that you’re actually saving some time accomplishing more than one task at one time, think again. To be honest, I did some, if not all of the above - multitasking. First, I thought I could accomplish more. Second, there were just too many things to do that I had to squeeze some things in between. And thirdly, it’s so boring doing a certain thing alone that I find it easier to pass time when I multitask that with another more interesting activity.

Let me elaborate. I have this habit of calling my parents while I am driving, just for chatting. I find talking to them a great relief, because I could just pour out everything to them and listen to their advice, or just checking how they are doing back home. Since I could not find other time to talk because my hands would be full then, I felt that driving is the best time. I have the speaker phone on, and I’m using my mouth to talk, while my hands would be free to drive. Yes, so I thought that gives me a license to talk while driving without getting into any trouble with the police. Also, especially when the traffic is bad, it’s not so boring queuing there all alone, when we have someone to take our minds off for awhile. Until one day, something happened that made me think twice. I realized that even though I could accomplish two things at a time, or removed the boring element away during that period, I was not focusing on what I was doing. When we lost focus, we won’t be able to do something well. And we might end up doing mistakes, which could actually waste more time in the long run. I have experienced making the wrong turns while I was talking while driving. That means, I needed longer time to arrive at my destination. I’ve also experienced leaving the parking ticket in my car because I was not concentrating, so I had to make additional trips to my car to retrieve it. These are just small incidents which haven’t involved life yet, such as an unforeseen accident. I also heard that robbers aim at people on the cellphone because that's the best time to attack - when people are off their guards.

But, despite all the awareness, it's still hard to change. Because it has somehow become my lifestyle. Another good example - I have noticed all along that when I was reading and pumping at the same time, I took more time to accomplish the main task, which was pumping. But since it’s boring to just pump, so I read anyway. It's better to be slower when I could read at least one chapter a day. Better than never get to start at all, I reasoned. It's like pumping has given me the justification to read, because when I pump, I could not do any other things except reading. Strange mentality I have, yeah? Ok, back to our original discussion. When I am reading, I actually spend more time to express the same amount compared to when I am just purely focusing on pumping. That’s because, while I am digesting the material, I actually slowed down a bit. Or, sometimes, I continue pumping even though I am actually done, just because I have to read a few more pages to complete that chapter. So I dragged on.

One day, while I was multitasking (cooking dinner and doing the laundry at the same time), my daughter was vying for my attention too – she wanted to tell me something. I told her to go on, I was listening. But that’s not enough for her. She wanted me to look at her before she actually started, “Mommy, you’re not looking at me. Mommy, look at me.” I told her I could hear her even though I was not looking, but she’s not happy. So I had to put my things aside, and look at her, before she actually talked to me. See, even a child could understand that. By looking at her, I could focus on her, and could see her expression when she’s relating something to me. It means she’s special, she had all my attention. Even though that also means dinner would be served later. That didn’t matter to her at all.

So, focus is indeed the keyword here. If you can still focus when you multitask, then please go ahead. I am not someone who could listen to the music while working or reading on something that requires a lot of concentration. But many of my friends could. I guess it still depends on what type of tasks that you’re multitasking; some can be done in parallel without sacrificing the quality. But I learnt something today, that when I multitask, I couldn’t give 100% focus to both things at the same time. Somehow, I would need to slow down a bit to get one task started, before moving on to the next. So even though I could complete two tasks in a certain timeframe, it would still be slower compared to if I just focus on one thing and get that done perfectly. Meaning putting my soul into it and not merely for the sake of accomplishing it. That makes a lot of difference.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Graduating Soon?

No, not yet, but I've been seriously thinking about this lately. As more and more Mommies graduated from the nursing room, I find myself contemplating to complete my course earlier than planned. Why? Because the nursing room is no longer as lively as it used to be, well, maybe because the time I go there is normally off-peak time where hardly anyone's around. And as my pumping partner just graduated as well, I find it rather bored to pump in silence.

But that's just one of the excuses. You see, I'm having a weird allergy where those rashes would only appear at night. It used to be every single night, after a certain hour. I felt like Princess Fiona in Shrek (she's a human by day, but ogress at sunset). Yeah, a lucky thing that those rashes only come out at night, so I just pop a Piriton and it'll disappear by daylight. But, that makes it harder for the doctor to diagnose it, because I couldn't show them those rashes - it's not there when I went to see the doctors. I had this even when I was travelling, so it's nothing to do with something at home. And my, it's a real bother. Without a piriton, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. I'll be scratching whole night. All they said is it's an allergy, and I'm supposed to find out what trigger it. One even recommended me to go full swing on vegetarian food and slowly introduce a new item one by one until I find out what's the trigger for this reaction. So, how could I continue to breastfeed with this diet, and ensure that my supply would not lack of any nutritions? Also, I doubt I could stand the hunger, since I can't really feel full without meat. Hence, that's why I'm considering of an early graduation....

Also, although all the doctors that I went to assured me that these rashes won't pass on to my baby thru breastmilk, I was a bit worried. Coz I saw her started scratching at times too, as if something's bothering her. So, if the rashes won't pass to her, what about the medicine that I'm taking? Well, maybe a little bit, some said. But it's harmless. She would get used to it, maybe immuned and wouldn't get sleepy. Gosh, is that ok? I'm worried.

I also later found out that breastfeeding could cause our body to be weak, hence there's a possibility that our immune system deteriorates. You see, even if we have malnutrition, the best of our nutrients will still go to our milk. So that leaves the mother drained in a way. That's why it's so important to make sure we're taking nutritous food while breastfeeding.

Ah, but although the body is weak, the mind just couldn't let go.... yet! I find it rather hard to give up now, especially when my baby relies on full direct feeding when I'm at home. Furthermore, I haven't found a formula that she'll want to take happily yet, and I enjoy the convenience of breastfeeding at night and also while travelling. I've stopped my early morning pumping now when I discovered that her intake is so little, so I have more time in the morning to do other things (except reading, sigh sigh...). Could you imagine that she's still taking 3.5 to 4oz per feeding at 14months? So, since my body's weak, I wouldn't force it to produce more than the demand. No point stocking up, I ran out of bottles to store too.

Now that I'm taking Zyrtec, I managed to make the rashes come out only once every 2 days. But sometimes the reaction has developed up to the stage where instead of just rashes, I got swell on my lips and eyes too! Maybe I'll go see the specialist recommended by a friend soon, and do a skin test to find out what I'm allergic to. It seems that it's possible that I was not allergic to something, lets say prawn when I'm young, but after a certain age, these things slowly build up until my body just couldn't take it anymore after all these years! Isn't that scary? And I'm also sad to learn that this is genetic, meaning that the allergies could pass to my kids, not thru my milk, or contact, but rather thru my genes. They might have allergies too, but the trigger would be different from mine. You see, my mom's allergic to sun heat! When she's exposed to the sun (only recently, not when she's young), she'll get rashes on her body. Which make it hard for her to go out nowdays, with the heat and all. No cure, just prevention. Sigh...

So tell me, are these good enough reasons for me to plan on my graduation soon?

Friday, July 31, 2009

How can I find out the Truth?

Last Friday, while at work, I got a call from MIL. She asked me to listen to what Sze Yi had to tell me. Then she passed the phone over to Sze Yi. She was crying and she told me in between sobs, “Mommy, wo de pi gu dong dong. Miss X tuk wo de pi gu. Wo bu yau qu Miss X de school liao”. Then, MIL told me that she poo poo in her pants, so the teacher punished her by poking her private part. She’s in pain and wouldn’t let her check or washed that part. Horrified, I went back right away to check on her. On my way, I called hubby to check with him if Sze Yi was behaving any differently when he picked her up from school earlier. He said she was fine, but she told him that she had a fall that day. However, she was ok.

Upon returning home, I saw that Sze Yi was lying down on the bed, sobbing. After much persuasion, she let me check, but she couldn’t lie on her back. It was too painful. She lay down backwards with her bum bum facing up. I saw nothing wrong, no redness. Then, when I asked MIL again, she said that Sze Yi poo poo in school (not in her pants as I was led to believe earlier), so when the teacher washed for her, she was angry and punished her. I then asked Sze Yi if her teacher was angry with her. She said no, the teacher was smiling. And the teacher loved her, she also didn’t show any dislike for the teacher. She even said she loved that teacher too. Puzzled, I went on to question her why the teacher would want to poke her buttock, was she naughty? She said no. She didn’t know why either. So I told her I would bring her to see the teacher and asked her why. She suddenly got scared, and asked me not to do so. Now I was worried. I asked her why? Was she telling lies? She looked at me for a long time, and then she nodded. So I thought that was it. But upon further enquiry, I realized that she was confused herself. She was worried that the teachers would scold her for bringing this issue to us.

Sometime back, she told us that her toe was painful, someone accidentally knocked on her toe. So I enquired at the school, asking them if they were aware because I wanted to know what knocked her and was it serious. She was limping and kept complaining of the painful toe. The teacher followed up for me, and when the principal rang me back, I was told that Sze Yi told them she got it from home. I was surprised to note the switch of story because before that I had already asked her – where did her toe get injured – from our house, Amah’s house or the school. She said she got it at school – that’s why I asked the teacher. But after they questioned her, she told me a different story. She got it from our house. And she even asked me not to ask or tell her teachers next time because they would scold her. Now, I didn’t know who to believe. That time, her imagination was running a bit wild, so I didn’t pursue that further.

Now, I was worried if I took her to see her teacher, she would change her mind and tell me a different story. I wanted to make sure of that before I took her there. This time, she was persistent. She insisted that the teacher really did that to her. I followed-up by asking her to differentiate between poking and slapping the buttock. She could differentiate it very well. She said she poo poo in school, and when Miss X washed for her, she poked her buttock with her finger. And she’s in pain, couldn’t really walk and would scream when we wanted to check on her.

Not long later, when hubby returned, she told him, “Daddy, can you bring me to see Miss X and asked her why she tuk tuk your princess’ pi gu?”. Hubby laughed when he heard that. And she even requested me to carry her when we talked to her teacher, as if asking for protection. So we took her to her school, but the teacher was not there. We talked to the other teachers, and they said that it’s very unlikely that Miss X would do such a thing. When they called her, she confirmed that Sze Yi fell down 3 times in school that day (but that was because she was playing with the stool – sitting on 2 legs instead of 4). She then checked with Sze Yi if she’s ok, and patted her buttock to ask if she’s in pain or not. Sze Yi said she’s ok. When we further asked if she poo poo in school that day, the teacher said no, that day she only washed 1 student’s buttock, and she could remember it clearly because there’s no water supply that time.

So, how would I know whose version was correct? Sze Yi insisted that she poo poo in school that day. But her teacher said she didn’t. And she’s really in pain, she couldn’t walk very well. One of the teachers explained that for children this age (3.5 to 4), they would tend to mix things up. Maybe her bum bum was painful, and Miss X scolded her for something at the same time. So, she associated the pain with Miss X. But she was puzzled because from what they observed, Sze Yi had never been scolded by Miss X before. Moreover, she and another student were normally very quiet in class and didn't cause much trouble, so they were never scolded before. Therefore, nobody knew why Sze Yi said that. In school, she still said the same thing to the other teachers – at least this time she was consistent.

Worried about her condition (since she couldn’t walk), we took her to see the paed. When I carried her, my hands would be touching her buttock. She would adjust my hand so that I held her lower at the legs, not at the buttock. The paed examined her, and found some red scratches at her buttock. But it was not serious, and it could be caused by constipation. I later checked with MIL, she said that Sze Yi poo poo twice the day before, but the stool was not hard. I also checked with her teacher if she poo poo the day before, but she couldn’t remember because she washed a lot of buttocks everyday. But she’s very sure that she didn’t poo poo on that particular day which Sze Yi claimed she did.

Well, surprisingly, after the paed checked her and gave her stickers, she was ok, no more pain. She could walk very well (I doubted that she pretended she was in pain earlier). And we monitored her the next few days, she didn’t show any phobia of going to school, nor afraid of the teachers there. I later managed to chat with Miss X, she told me she was surprised why Sze Yi would accuse her of such thing. She said that Sze Yi was especially ‘manja’ with her, and she would rather she accused her of beating her rather that did such a thing to her. Anyway, we let the matters rest, because Sze Yi was alright. Well, I was VERY surprised when Sze Yi suddenly told me the next day that she wanted to go to full day (before that, any mention of the word full day would cause her to cry right away). I asked her why, she said because she got lots of friends there. I was still trying to figure out why, and when I kept on asking why, she then changed the subject and said she didn’t want to go to full day anymore.

Now, it happened that my babysitter came back, and we let her take care of Sze Juin. When Sze Yi learned that her sister would be going to Aunty’s house for full day, she immediately said that she wanted to go to full day right now. We managed to convince her to wait for awhile, since she’s still having flu. But after a few days, she asked again. When MIL told her that she would go back if she went to school full day, she didn’t cry like last time. Instead, she told MIL, “Ok, you go back and rest, then I come and see you ok?” I wonder what’s getting into her.

So, if you’re in my situation, what would you do? How could we find out what trigger her to say such a thing?

Friday, July 24, 2009

One Day at a Time

I wish I could always take each day at a time, never need to worry about what tomorrow has to offer, or regret about what I've missed yesterday.

How nice if we're guaranteed that we'll make it for today at least, no matter how hard it may be, or how tiring it is.

Here's a beautiful song, which I would like to share with you...

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus

I'm only human, I'm just a woman
Help me believe in what I could be
And all that I am
Show me the stairway, I have to climb
Lord for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do
Yesterdays gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time

Do you remember, when you walked among men
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below
It's worse now, than then
Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
So for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Journey in Breastfeeding

It’s not been easy with my first one. There were just too many obstacles.

First, it was an emergency Caesarian delivery. So I couldn’t breastfeed right away. Luckily I’ve informed the nurses that I wanted my baby to be spoon fed, so she wouldn’t have nipple confusion later. But when I requested my baby to be cup-fed in the confinement center, the caretaker told me that the babies there did not have nipple confusion even after being introduced to the bottle. Still, they obliged me. However, when they cup feed my baby, the milk dripped down her chin and she developed mild rashes on her neck. Not to mention, that’s also a kind of wastage on my precious milk. So I agreed when they asked me to give it a try on bottle-feeding, but right after that, she rejected my nipple. I felt depressed. I instructed them to resume cup feeding again, and I fought with my baby for 2 days. I let her go hungry (yes, I was that hard), just to train her back. Luckily I succeeded, and I could continue to breastfeed her directly.

But after that, I had other problems. My nipples cracked and bleed. I had to throw away the milk because I saw blood in my milk. I couldn’t nurse her due to the pain. I was at a lost of what to do. Even pumping felt so painful (I was using the electric pump). In the end, I applied Beepanthen cream and still pumped instead of nursed her directly, always hoping there’s no blood, because once there’s a blood sign, the whole bottle of milk would need to be poured away.

That’s not the end of the story yet. I had fever during my confinement, and was advised to throw away the milk by the nurses at the confinement center since I was taking paracetamol. That time, I was very new to breastfeeding, so I believed them. And furthermore, the advice was given by a nurse from Adventist who’s working part time at the confinement center. So I threw away my precious milk. And that time I didn’t even have enough. I had to mix with formula already. Imagine what agony I was going thru.

To further add salt to my wound, the flu epidemic began. The babies in the confinement center got sick one by one. I was so afraid that I quickly requested to have my baby roomed in with me. I was lucky to stay in a single room then. But it was too late. She got the virus too. I sent her back to be taken care by MIL while they cleaned up the nursery. I was so afraid that she would forget how to suckle again after being bottle fed for two full days. Luckily, she didn’t.

While I was in confinement, my milk supply only managed to last during the day time. At night, I had to give her formula. But when I went back home during my 2nd month, I was very happy to note that my supply suddenly became so much that I could actually stock up. Maybe that's due to the food I ate, since MIL continued to cook confinement food for me. However, MIL wouldn’t let me breastfeed my baby directly. She preferred me to pump out and bottle feed her instead. Her reasons – she was afraid my baby would not want to drink from the bottle later when I went back to work. So I only managed to breastfeed her at night. That’s not everyday too, because MIL insisted to take care of the baby at night too. She’s afraid that when the baby cried at night, she would wake hubby up and he won’t have enough sleep. We finally settled for alternate nights. And on the nights that she took care of her, sometimes she would feed her formula. In fact, when I went back to work, she’s been feeding my baby formula on and off, even when I actually had enough to breastfeed her fully. Her excuses would either be – my baby couldn’t wait for her to warm up the milk, or my baby wouldn’t want to drink my milk. But my baby wanted formula. At other times, she would say that formula was more nutritious than breastmilk. If I ever got sick or had rashes of any kind, she would be reluctant to let me breastfeed her. So, I really had a lot of obstacles in fully breastfeeding my first child.

Despite all that, I hang on. That needed a lot of patience. Even my mum asked me to stop, because she felt that it's not necessary to breastfeed for so long. She breastfeed me for 3 months, and that was considered very long during her time. According to her, all the nutrients that we took would be in the breastmilk, so that means my immune system would be weaker when I continued to breastfeed longer. As about hubby, he kept asking me to relax and be more open, it’s ok to feed formula once in a while, even though he agreed that breastmilk is best.

With the strong current against me, I finally found solace in my breastfeeding buddies at work. The talks behind the screens had given me a new found strength, motivation and perseverance to continue on with what I believed was best for my baby. In the end, I succeeded. Praise the Lord! I only stopped when my baby’s about 15 months (and I’ve enjoyed 12 months without having any menstrual cycle – that’s one of the best things in breastfeeding), when my supply suddenly became less and my baby refused to nurse since nothing much came out.

So, when the 2nd child came, I doubted if I could breastfeed for long, after all that I’ve gone thru. I was not sure if I still had the energy to withstand whatever obstacles that may come. But things were so much better this time. Everything went smooth sailing – I had a miraculous normal delivery which gave me a head start to nurse her right after she was born. Then, I had so much supply that I could breastfeed two kids fully at one point. Even then, I always felt engorged and ran out of bottles. Finally I gave my baby milk bath (The big one didn’t want to bathe in that white pool, somehow). I certainly saved a lot of $$$ in formula milk, much to hubby’s delight. And this time, MIL was very supportive too. Maybe she finally realized the benefits afterall. I was amazed to find such a sudden switch. As for my babysitter, I managed to find one that willingly co-operate, even though she did hinted that there's no need to breastfeed for so long. What else could I ask for?

Nevertheless, there’s no such thing as a smooth sailing river. The waves came in once in awhile – if last time my problems mainly stemed from my lack of supply, this time it's the other way round. My baby had difficulty nursing since the flow was too fast. Sometimes she would choke and then throw out the milk. Also, since I didn't mix with formula, my baby had jaundice. It was so bad that I had to stop breastfeeding for awhile. But later, the paed gave me the greenlight to continue breastfeeding when the tests’ results indicated that it’s breastmilk jaundice. Again, I had to fight with my baby for 2 days to train her back to suck. Because she was waiting to be cup fed, and forgot how to suck!

And not long later, my baby suffered nappy rash until her skin was terribly sore. That's because breastfed babies would poo more frequent and that irritated her skin. Even the sight of her skin condition made me ached in pain. My mother suggested formula temporary. I refused to give in. When it became so bad that my MIL also voiced the same suggestion, I relented. So formula be it until she’s better. Only a few days, and we could see an improvement. When things were better, I continued to breastfeed again. Things were going my way since then, but once in a while, I had some minor problems like mastitis and I sought treatment. I also learned that when we’re engorged and nothing else worked, the baby would be the best remedy. When she suckled, she helped to reduce the engorgement and it’s most effective when we nursed with the pull of gravity on our side, meaning putting her on the bed and go on all four to breastfeed her. That way, I managed to remove the lump that was bothering me.

Then, there’s the pump problem. I used to own an electric pump (a Medela mini E) when I had my first child. After that, I purchased a manual Avent pump when I needed to travel (I even went thru the trouble of storing my milk and bringing them back once after a friend shared with me this possibility – before that I either poured it away, drank it myself (!!!) or had milk bath with it). So when I had my 2nd baby, I had 2 pumps. I was very comfortable with the electric one, it’s faster and less messy. But then, the motor gave way when my 2nd baby was ~9 months old, so I had no choice but to revert to the manual pump. It was going fine until the days when my hands suddenly felt numb. I could hardly moved my hand! Again, my mother advised me to stop. Look what breastfeeding had done to me! In the end, I contemplated to get another electric pump. Two very good friends borrowed me their electric pumps to help me figure out which one would suit me better. And to find out if the numbness was due to the manual pump or not. To cut the story short, after trying a few remedies, the numbness subsided. So I continued using my existing manual pump.

So there, breastfeeding is not easy. If one person (me) could experience so many problems, I'm sure there's more out there. That's because, from the many problems that my friends consulted me on, some of which I've not encountered before.

Honestly, not many mothers are willing to go thru this journey, but those who choose this path, are never without regrets. That's why I wanted to post this, so as to bring awareness to all the mothers out there - that breastfeeding is indeed the best gift to your child.

To all of you breastfeeding mother, bravo and keep the flow going!


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